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Inner Child Integration (ICI)

Re-connect and Reclaim Your Essential Self

1 hNorth Virginia Street

Service Description

Everyone has an inner-child, artist innocence and most-sensitive part of Self. That part of us may have been forgotten or abandoned in our journey of 'adulting' or may have been repressed due to societal demands as a modern working human. That Essence Self, malnourished as it may be, never leaves us and often reveals it's need for love in the form of chronic tension, anxiety and even depression. Reclaiming this part of ourSelf is essential to feeling whole, at ease and genuinely joyful. In these three sessions, we work together to find, uncover, reclaim, welcome back and embrace our inner-essence again. The format of these three sessions may vary from person to person but will include bodywork, energy work, guided self-inquiry, dynamic guided meditations and some homework for contemplation and self-revelation. Purchase of this package will include the mini e-book Reclaiming Our Lost Self, an Essential Guide to Becoming Whole Again. Inside the book are exercises and meditations that will help you to maintain and deepen your practice towards authentic Self-Worth and Self-Love.

Contact Details

  • 807 North Virginia Street, El Paso, TX, USA

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